2019 November (11/14/19)
Voting Items:
Endorsement Vote
- Endorsement Panel Reports
- Consent Calendar
- Sacramento Mayor
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Darrell Steinberg
- Sacramento City Council, District 2
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Allen Warren
- Twin Rivers Unified School District, Area 3
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Christine Jefferson
- Twin Rivers Unified School District, Area 7
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Daniel Savala
- Sacramento Mayor
- Questionnaires
- Darrell Steinberg (Sacramento Mayor)
- Allen Warren (Sacramento City Council, District 2)
- Christine Jefferson (Twin Rivers USD, Area 3)
- Daniel Savala (Twin Rivers USD, Area 7)
- Linda Fowler (Twin Rivers USD, Area 7)
2019 October (10/10/19)
Voting Items:
Endorsement Vote
- Endorsement Panel Reports
- Consent Calendar
- Sacramento City Council, District 4
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Katie Valenzuela
- Sacramento City Council, District 8
- Panel recommendation: Adopt a “neutral” position
- E-Board recommendation: No recommendation – open ballot
- Sacramento County Board of Education, Area 7
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Harold Fong
- Twin Rivers Unified School District, Area 1
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Michael Baker
- Twin Rivers Unified School District, Area 5
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Basim Elkarra
- Sacramento City Council, District 4
- Questionnaires
- Michael Baker
- Basim Elkarra
- Harold Fong
- Les Simmons
- Katie Valenzuela
- Mai Vang
- Resolution 2019-23: Admonishing School Board President Jessie Ryan for Misleading the Public regarding the Fiscal Status of the Sacramento City Unified School District and Leading an Anti-Union Campaign against the Sacramento City Teachers Association
- Resolution 2019-24: Condemning Acts of Violence against Members of the California State Senate
Non-Voting Informational Items:
2019 September (09/12/19)
Voting Items:
Standing Rule
2019 August (08/07/19)
Voting Items:
- Resolution 2019-20: Supporting the Passage of Legislation Serving the People
- To lookup federal legislation, visit www.Congress.gov.
- To lookup state legislation, go to www.LegInfo.Legislature.ca.gov.
- Resolution 2019-21: Calling for Enforceable Work Safety Rules During Hazardous Air Days
- Resolution 2019-22: Calling for a Climate Debate
Bylaws Amendments/Standing Rules Amendments
- Bylaws Amendment 2019-4: Adopting Bylaws Amendments Regarding the Disciplinary Process
- Bylaws Amendment 2019-5: Adopting Bylaws Amendments Regarding the Endorsement Process
- Bylaws Amendment 2019-06: Adopting Miscellaneous Bylaws Amendments
- Standing Rules Amendment 2019-1: Adopting a Standing Rules regarding a Code of Conduct
Endorsement Vote
- Board of Supervisors, Supervisor District 3
- Panel Report
- E-Board/Panel recommendation: Endorse Gregg Fishman
- Questionnaires:
- Matthew Ceccato
- Charles Crowder
- Gregg Fishman
- Tiffany Mock-Goeman
- Catrayel Wood
- Panel Report
2019 July (07/11/19)
Voting Items
- Resolution 2019-19: Supporting LGBTQ+ Liberation in Sacramento
- A vacancy in the position of Elected Member from Supervisor District 4 (map of the district) will be filled by nomination & election.
- To be eligible, you must be a registered Democrat residing in Supervisor District 4.
- If you are interested in running, please contact Terry Schanz at Terry@SacDems.org.
Non-Voting Informational Item(s)
- Rules Committee Report 2019-7
- Proposed bylaws amendments:
- NOTICE: Open seat for delegate to California Democratic Party.
- There is a vacancy for a position of delegate to the California Democratic Party for a self-identified female.
- To be eligible, you must be a registered Democrat in Sacramento County and a DPSC member.
- If you are interested in applying, please contact Terry Schanz at Terry@SacDems.org.
2019 June (06/13/19)
Voting Item(s)
- Resolution 2019-18: Admonishing the Statewide Officers of the California Democratic Party for Refusing to Hold Eric Bauman Accountable for his Abuse.
- Resolution 2019-19: Supporting Sacramento Pride & Proclaiming LGBTQ+ Pride Month.
Non-Voting Informational Item(s)
NOTICE: There is a vacancy in the position of Elected Member from Supervisor District 4. The vacancy will be formally announced at this meeting and the Central Committee will fill the vacancy at the next meeting on July 11, 2019.
2019 May (05/07/19)
Voting Item(s)
- The Executive Board recommends adoption of the following resolutions on consent:
- Resolution 2019-9: Supporting the Green New Deal and a Just Transition to to Carbon Zero
- Resolution 2019-10: Demanding that PG&E Improve Infrastructure Safety
- Resolution 2019-11: Condemning Islamaphobia and Affirming Solidarity with our Muslim Neighbors
- Resolution 2019-12: Opposing Military Intervention in, and Economic Sanctions on, Venezuela
- Resolution 2019-13: Commending the House for Resolving to Fight All Racism and Bigotry, and for Resisting the False Conflation of Support for Palestinian Rights with Antisemitism
- Resolution 2019-14: Affirming CDP’s Commitment to Supporting Human Rights, Equality, and Justice in Israel-Palestine
- Resolution 2019-15: Affirming CDP’s Commitment to Human Dignity and Basic Human Rights in the Israeli-Occupied Territories, and to Ending the Gaza Blockade
- Resolution 2019-16: Stopping Trump from Destroying All Possibility for Peace in the Middle East
- Resolution 2019-17: Directing Officials to Learn about All Sides when they Travel to Israel-Palestine
- California Democratic Party (CDP) Endorsements. The Executive Board recommends the following endorsements on consent:
- African American Caucus
- Chair – Taisha Brown
- Northern Vice Chair – Kendra Lewis
- Chicano Latino Caucus
- Chair – Carlos Alcala
- Vice Chair Region 2 – Norma Alcala
- Resolutions – Tristan Brown
- LGBT Caucus
- Co-Chair (Northern CA) – Tiffany Woods
- Co-Chair (Southern CA) – Lester Aponte
- Vice Co-Chair (Northern CA) – Mario Guerrero
- Vice Co-Chair (Southern CA) – Denise Penn
- Treasurer – Brendalynn Goodall
- Secretary – John Yi
- At-Large Officer – Evan Minton
- At-Large Officer – Craig Roberts
- ProgressiveCaucus
- Chair – Amar Shergill
- Northern Vice Chair – David Hildebrand
- At-Large Officer – Zach Denney
- Veterans Caucus
- Chair – Jillynn Molina
- First Vice Chair – Robert Leahy
- Second Vice Chair – Crystal Jackson
- Treasurer – Kelsey Pressnall
- Secretary – Shelisa Williams
- Parliamentarian – Arturo Reyes
- Sergeant-at-Arms – Nicholas Edge
- Northern Vice Chair – Eric Gudz
- Central Vice Chair – Cullen Tiernan
- Southern Vice Chair – Michelle Gomez
- African American Caucus
2019 April (04/11/19)
Voting Item(s)
- Resolution 2019-08: Supporting Medicare for All and Calling on our Local Democratic Members of Congress to Co-Sponsor H.R. 1384: the Medicare for All Act of 2019.
- E-Board recommendation: Adopt (Ayes: 7, Noes: 0, Abstentions: 0)
- California Democratic Party (CDP) Endorsements:
- Chair
- E-Board recommendation: Endorse Kimberly Ellis (Ayes: 5, Noes: 0, Abstentions: 2)
- Candidate Questionnaires:
- Regional Director, Region 3
- E-Board recommendation: Endorse Eric Sunderland (Ayes: 7, Noes: 0, Abstentions: 0)
- Chair
- DPSC Budget 2019-2020
- E-Board recommendation: Adopt (Ayes: 7, Noes: 0, Abstentions: 0)
2019 March (03/ 14/19)
Voting Item(s)
- Resolution 2019-06: Commending the Elk Grove Unified School District for Supporting LGBTQ Students & Staff
- Resolution 2019-07: Denouncing the District Attorney’s Refusal to Seek Justice for Stephon Clark, and Calling for Reform of Officer Use of Force.
- Text of AB 392 (Weber & McCarty)
Non-Voting Informational Item(s)
2019 February (02/14/19)
Voting Item(s)
Proposed Bylaws Amendments
- Bylaws Amendment 2019-1: Creating a Club Chartering Timeline.
- Bylaws Amendment 2019-2: Rescheduling the Club Re-chartering Meeting.
- Bylaws Amendment 2019-3: Removing the State Fair Staffing Requirement for Clubs.
- Resolution 2019-4: Calling for Independent Oversight of the Sheriff’s Department and Commending the Board of Supervisors for Standing Up to the Sheriff’s Bullying Tactics.
- Resolution 2019-5: Reaffirming Support for By-District Election in Elk Grove and Citrus Heights.
2019 January (01/10/19)
This month, we will be holding our biannual organizational meeting, meaning we will be holding officer elections at this time.
Only persons resident in Sacramento County from the Central Committee classes detailed on page 8 of our bylaws are eligible to be nominated as officers.